Blackberry crisp
Blackberry crisp

Enjoy with your favorite vanilla ice cream. If you don’t have enough blackberries, I highly suggest using a mixed berry combo, such as blueberries, cherries and/or strawberries. In a bowl mix the flour with the coconut fat using your fingers until all grease is covered in flour. Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until light brown. Mix the blackberries with the starch, 3 tsp of sugar and mint leaves and let it rest for 15 minutes. Sprinkle the crumble over the blackberries. In a large bowl, rub the butter into the flour until it looks like breadcrumbs. I made these crisps in two cute little skillets, but you can make in larger ramekins or just fill a loaf pan. Place the washed blackberries in the bottom of a baking dish. Or you can invite friends over and share if you’re generous enough (not me!). Really, I figured that blackberries seem to be one of the most underrated berries, so why not give them some love with an almond blackberry crisp for two?! It’s a wonderful, perfectly acceptable date-night dessert with leftovers.

blackberry crisp

Add blackberries to the skillet and cover with lemon juice. Envision me sitting in my winter socks with a butterscotch candy, knitting mittens and baking fruit crisps and pies all winter. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, white sugar and egg combining well until it is fine, coarse crumbs. I like to stock up like an 80 year old woman and freeze all the fruits in preparation for winter baking. 6 cups Blackberries washed and dried 3/4 cup Granulated sugar (use less if berries are sweet) 2 tablespoons Tapioca (instant) 1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg (ground).

blackberry crisp

If you weren’t already aware, blackberries are actually very seasonal from the end of August through September, and often the sweetest. There were a few half pints of juicy, sweet blackberries in the fridge from the previous weekend’s farmer’s market find. I made this recipe last week before I packed up the last items in my old kitchen. Two days ago it was right around 85 degrees here in Chicago… in September! Since the weather seems to be still favoring the summer months, I thought it would be perfectly acceptable to deliver this beautiful warm blackberry crisp made with almond flour, crunchy almonds & oats.

Blackberry crisp